Using Back-Bone Modified GoPros With Microscopes

  Microscope camera systems capable of shooting in 4K are bulky and extremely expensive. Back-Bone’s ‘Ribcage’ Modified action cameras provide a cost effective alternative. Here’s a list of features that make these cameras a no-brainer for this type of application. Camera’s and mod kits are available here.   Cost 4K microscope camera systems can cost many thousands of dollars. A… Read More

Back-Bone and Nat Geo Lions 360

Don’t you hate it when lions eat all your cameras? We provided our Ribcage modified GoPro cameras and lenses to film National Geographic’s Lions 360 video, plus we were able to help in other ways. During filming several of the production’s stock GoPro cameras were actually destroyed by the curious lions. Rather than write them off, we had the production… Read More


With this fun project we used XYZ RGB’s Scannerkiller technology to extract and reconstruct an accurate flight-path and virtual camera from some of our drone footage. We used a Ribcage Modified Hero4 Black mounted on a 3DR Solo. Using only the video frames we are able to extract 3D models and camera positions. A virtual camera can then be created… Read More

About the Modulus Sensor Housing

Modulus sensor housing
Designed for developers with special applications, our Modulus Sensor Housing provides protection and infinite lens mounting options for the GoPro Hero4 image sensor when removed from the camera. Use the included 12” sensor extension ribbon to place the image sensor away from the camera body. The sensor housing can be mounted on any standard 1/4”- 20 mounting point using the… Read More